IQ test

  • Answer 40 questions in 30 minutes. For each question, choose the correct answer from the available options.
  • {$ 'Your IQ' | translate $} {$ $ctrl.rightAnswerIzenk | myNumber:0 $}
  • {$ 'Number of questions' | translate $}: 40
  • {$ 'Correct answers' | translate $}: {$ $ctrl.rightAnswerCount $}

130 Экстремально высокий интеллект {$ 'Very superior' | translate $}

120-129 Очень высокий интеллект {$ 'Superior' | translate $}

110-119 Высокий интеллект {$ 'High average' | translate $}

90-109 Средний интеллект {$ 'Average' | translate $}

80-89 Низкий интеллект {$ 'Low average' | translate $}

70-79 Очень низкий интеллект Borderline {$ 'Low' | translate $}

0-69 Экстремально низкий интеллект {$ 'Extremely low' | translate $}

{$ 'Question' | translate $} {$ $ctrl.currentQuestionIndex + 1 $}/{$ $ctrl.totalQuestions $}
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Free and accurate IQ test

Free and accurate IQ test

IQ tests are designed to conditionally determine IQ. In translated from English intelligence quotient (IQ) — intelligence quotient. Test questions help to objectively assess the level of mental abilities and understand which tasks your mind cracks like nuts, and which cause difficulties. This is a great opportunity to identify the weaknesses of the intellect that require development.

The history of the invention and application of IQ tests

Interest in a more or less objective assessment of human intellectual abilities existed already at the dawn of civilization. Back in the 7th century, the Chinese came up with special questionnaires to help identify smart people and find people whose mental potential is unlikely to be used for good.

The first scientific developments and testing systems appeared in the first half of the last century. The Frenchman Alfred Binet in 1904 created a test to identify school-age children with developmental delay. The idea was appreciated by English and American psychologists. In their improved tests, for the first time, the concept of "intelligence quotient" is encountered.

The IQ test system for adults was developed by the German professor Hans Jürgen Eysenck. The tests, which made the scientist famous all over the world, contain tasks that require the ability to count, determine semantic relationships, combine concepts and graphic elements. Eysenck's follower was the New Zealander James Robert Flynn, who argued that new generations of people, as a rule, are smarter than their ancestors. At the same time, heredity affects the formation of mental abilities less than the social circle. That is, communication with intellectuals — the best way to educate smart people. The theory didn't gain acceptance, although young people almost always pass IQ tests faster.

Interesting facts

  • Everyone seems to be familiar with winter sluggishness, but studies show otherwise — summer relaxation also extends to the work of convolutions. In order to keep in shape, in the summer you need constant intellectual warm-ups and loads.
  • The influence of the environment on IQ is obvious, but 40 80% of the intellectual level depends on heredity. From parents we get the potential, the limits of which we can expand.
  • Adults with a high level of intelligence usually have many friends and acquaintances. This is due to the craving of others for meaningful communication. In childhood and youth "nerds" are often misunderstood by their peers and considered uncommunicative.
  • Over the last 50 years, the average IQ of the inhabitants of the Earth has increased by 12 points.
  • Research conducted around the world has shown that, on average, female IQ is higher than male. So, the highest IQ among celebrities — from actress Sharon Stone (154 points). A well-known holder of an anti-record among politicians — US President George W. Bush (91 points).
  • The average American scores around 100 on a test.
  • The person with the highest IQ is mathematician Terence Chi-Shen Tao (陶哲軒) (230 points) who works at the University of California.
  • Mensa — the largest, oldest (1946) and most famous organization for people with a high IQ. It is open to anyone who has passed standardized tests IQ better than 98% of the population (above 130 points). The organization has national groups in 50 countries, and the number of members exceeds 120,000 people from about 100 countries.

Test results cannot be considered evidence of genius or mental failure. Real intelligence manifests itself in various forms and far from always fits into templates. In addition, the number of correct answers depends on health, mood, comfortable conditions and other factors. Even a very high IQ becomes a component of success only in combination with perseverance and serious motivations.

Online IQ test

Online IQ test

IQ tests are often used for an average assessment of the intellectual abilities of students, candidates for positions that require good memory, quick reaction and concentration. The questions are the same for all countries, since they exclude the cultural and national characteristics of ethnic groups.

The prevailing value of the coefficient in different countries of the world may differ, the average is 100 points, the standard deviation does not exceed ±15 points. About 70% of people who take the test get from 85 to 115 points. You can answer questions with no time limit, but recommended 20 minutes — this will allow you to judge your ability to solve problems quickly and accurately.

IQ test scores

The maximum test result is 160 points, but such an indicator can units.

In general, three groups of indicators can be distinguished:

  • The result from 80 to 89 points is given to people who have difficulty concentrating. Complex problems usually go unanswered or take a long time. A person who does not know how to concentrate has a low level of intellectual abilities, but the indicator is within the normal range. Things are worse for those who can scoring 80 points. Such a result speaks of serious problems with attention, logic and memory. Mental retardation is indicated by an IQ coefficient below 65 points. In in the majority of cases, such people are unable to cope with everyday activities and need help.
  • An IQ level of 90–110 points is considered average. More than half of the people show this result.
  • An IQ of 111 and above is considered high. 121–130 points can be earned by gifted people. A score above 131 is regarded as evidence of genius or outstanding intelligence. As a rule, owners of an extraordinary mind cope with questions quickly and without difficulty. Only 0.2% of those who pass the test pass the 145 mark.

To obtain the most objective result, we recommend that you take the test in a calm environment, without emotional and physical stress. Believe in yourself and don don't be lazy to think —  you will succeed!